Exercise 101

Why Progress or Regress exercises?

Progress and regress the programmed workouts using the below examples to suit your ability and capacity so that you maximise results long term and reduce exposing your body to poor positioning and injury.

The below exercises are named from least complex to most complex. You will see a variety in the TrickyFit programming use the necessary scaling method to suit your ability.

Incline push up (hands on wall or bench), Kneeling push up, Toes and hands push up wide feet, standard push up, Change width of hands, Raise a foot off the ground, Change stability eg push up on medicine ball, depth push up on parallel bars chest below hands, decline push up with feet on gym ball hands on parallets, weighted push ups, bench press with barbell, dumbbell bench press, KB bench press with rubber tubbing for stability challenge, speed bench, heavy bench etc.

Row (On all 4s holding dumbbell pull to chest), rubbing tubing attached to handrail lye on back and pull to chest, rubber tubing attached to chin up bar pull towards head, assisted chin up machine at gym, jumping chin ups, Rubber tubing attached to bar and place under knees (use the resistance in bands to aid you up to the bar), Short range chin ups, dead hang from bar, change width of grips and from over grip to under grip, chest to bar chin ups, kipping pull ups, weighted chin ups.

BW (body weight) squat limited range, bw squat, med ball squat, dumbell/kettlebell squat, barbell squat front/back, overhead squat

PVC pipe dead lift (limited range - increase to full range picking up off floor), Kettle Bell dead lift limited range, KB full range dead lift, Bar bell dead lift, dumbbell dead lift, sumo dead lift, sumo dead lift high pull, Stone dead lift, random items (rocks, slabs, kegs) dead lift for challenge and positioning, snatch with PVC pipe, snatch with KB, barbell snatch.

Dips on bench with feet on ground and knees @ 90 degrees, dips on bench with knees straight, dips on bench with legs raised on bench also, dips on bench with body suspended off ground, dips on parraletts, weighted dips, ring dips

Shoulder press barbell, shoulder press dumbbells, Shoulder press random objects, Push press, Push jerk, Handstand, Legs inverted limited range push up (increase height of legs, decrease bend in body), handstand push ups on wall, walking handstand push ups on wall, walking handstand, walking handstand push ups, weighted handstand push ups.

Step ups, sled walk (pull a sled whilst walking, farmers walks (carry as much as you can and walk- these can be really strenuous but the skill is easy and the muscular development required for lunges is great), lunges on the spot, lunges on the move, lunges with rotations, lunges with weights, weighted lunges with rotations, lunge jumps.

Seated row using rubber tubing, machine seated row, standing barbell row, one arm row, bent over row
No equipment - Lye beneath a handrail and throw some rubber tubing over it and pull bands to chest, progress to gripping the bar and pulling your chest to the bar. A regression would be using bands tied around a post and standing upright and pulling them to your chest. Progress to pulling your chest to the post (start with feet in close), progress further by using straps around the pole and increasing the angle between your body and the post (start with weight on heels leaning backwards with arms at full extension)

Good luck and try these differnet progressions. If you are not nailing the skill go back to a version that is slightly easier for you to manage.